61 pages 2 hours read

Shari Lapena

What Have You Done (Adler and Dwyer, #0.5)

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2018

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Chapters 23-40Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 23 Summary

Saturday morning, Brad has given up smoking by the window and instead sits at his dining room table, having disabled the smoke detector. Ellen calls him, but he is too distracted by the thoughts of Principal Kelly and the police to have a conversation with her. As she hangs up, he thinks how he “can’t lose her. She’s all he has” (124)—and he tells himself he must convince her that Diana’s claims were unfounded.

Chapter 24 Summary

Brad is called down to the police station that afternoon. The detectives ask him to explain what happened between him and Diana. Kelly told them that Diana reported being uncomfortable with the way Brad touched her. Brad insists that he would simply pat her back or put his hand on his shoulder and dismisses the accusations as “teenage-girl dramatics” (129). He tells the detectives that he apologized to her for making her feel uncomfortable and, afterward, he did not touch or get too close to her. He also admits that he was home alone on Thursday night when Diana died.

Joe Prior drives over an hour to a 7-Eleven. He watches the cashier, Josie, while staying away from the cameras and hiding his face. There are several girls he watches at work, all in different towns, going “over his fantasies in his mind” as he does so (131).

Chapter 25 Summary

Riley and Evan decide to put up a cross where Diana died. They paint it white and put flowers with it at the entrance to the field. Diana watches, hoping that someone will figure out what happened to her so her memories can be filled in.

At the police station, Cameron’s attorney arrives. He speaks with Cameron alone, and then he, Cameron, and his parents go back into the interview room with the police. Cameron admits that he lied about sitting in his truck—he got out, knocked on her door, then went around back and threw rocks at Diana’s window, but she never came out. He texted her several times, and she didn’t answer, which he shows to the police on his phone. When he finishes, the police act as though they don’t believe him, pointing out that they believe the killer entered Diana’s house from the back.

Chapter 26 Summary

The detectives visit Brenda. They inform her that Cameron has a lawyer and then ask her about Brad. Brenda knew nothing about Diana’s accusation that he was inappropriate—which adds “another layer to her grief” that she was not as close to her daughter as she thought (139). They also tell her that there were no signs of sexual assault, and they were unable to find any DNA evidence in her house or where the body was found; they are still searching for her missing clothes and phone. As they speak, Brenda notices that her daughter’s jump rope, which always hangs on the door, is not there, making all three assume it was used as the murder weapon.

In his journal, Evan writes that Diana’s mom told them about the accusations against Brad—“something she probably shouldn’t have” told them (142). Both he and Riley are also surprised that Diana never told them about it. He thinks about the murder and how it likely happened in Diana’s house with her jump rope, then she was taken to the field. Diana’s street is a dead end, and there is a back road that runs to the field, which would have allowed the killer to take her out of the back of her house and to the field. He wonders if he will ever be able to get through his grief because he would like to write about her death as a story to honor her.

Chapter 27 Summary

The next morning, Riley and Evan decide to go to Joe Prior’s house to look at his truck. In the car, they talk about Coach Turner and how there has been nothing in the news about Diana’s complaint about him. They become angry that he faces no repercussions and are concerned that it is not being investigated properly. Riley decides to call the local news and tell them about Diana’s complaint. She does not tell them her name but lies and says that Diana told her about Brad’s inappropriate behavior. She suggests that the news speak with Principal Kelly about it.

On her third cup of coffee Sunday morning, Shelby worries about her son. She begins to wonder if she really knows him; after he lied to the police so easily, she wonders if he could have gone into Diana’s house that night and fought with her and even lost control. Thinking back on their relationship together, she realizes that she missed many of the signs of how controlling her son was toward Diana.

Chapter 28 Summary

Brad goes over to Kelly’s house. Kelly admits that he gave a “simple” version of Diana’s accusation instead of the whole story to avoid questions about how he handled it. He is surprised that Brad does not have an alibi for the night of Diana’s death and begins to wonder if Brad could have killed her. Brad informs Kelly that he knows he had an affair with another teacher. He threatens to tell his wife if Kelly gives any more information to the police about Diana’s accusation.

As Brad walks home, he thinks of how much damage it will do to him if Kelly tells the whole truth. He admits to himself that he took it too far with Diana, how he used to watch her bend over and find excuses to touch or stand close to her. He gets “pleasure” out of being a girl’s gym teacher and watching them grow, but lately, he struggles to “know when to stop” looking at and touching them (154). He knows that Ellen is starting to realize something is wrong, and he must figure out what to say to her.

At Joe’s house, Evan and Riley look over his pickup truck. They take photos of it with their phone and notice that it is black—just like Cameron’s. However, they don’t find anything incriminating inside it.

Graham Kelly rejoins his wife in the living room after Brad leaves. He contemplates telling her about the situation with Brad, but a knock on the door interrupts him. It is Jennifer Wiley with KCVS News. She asks Kelly about the allegations against Brad, but he closes the door on her.

Chapter 29 Summary

Ellen goes to Brad’s house and lets herself in without telling him. She has been worried about him and has not seen him since Saturday. When he comes in, she notes the initial “dismay” in his eyes. She asks him what’s wrong, and he grows nervous, but Jennifer Wiley’s knocking on the door interrupts them.

Before Brad can tell her to leave, Ellen invites her in. Jennifer begins by asking general questions about Diana and then asks Brad about Diana’s complaint—shocking Ellen. Brad considers how to respond, wondering if Kelly told her anything more about the complaint or stuck with the story he told the police. He decides to repeat that it was just a “misunderstanding,” and then he makes Jennifer leave.

Chapter 30 Summary

Evan and Riley sit and watch Joe’s house. They see him come out carrying a duffle bag and get into his truck; then they decide to follow him. They follow his truck onto the highway and then stay behind him for well over an hour. Eventually, he makes it to the Canadian border. Riley is convinced that he is trying to flee, certain that “Joe Prior is the man who murdered her best friend” (164).

After Jennifer leaves, Ellen confronts Brad, but he insists that it was all exaggerated by Diana. Initially, she is unsure, but as he defends himself and insists that they need to stay strong, she decides that she believes him and understands why he has been so upset since Diana’s death. Brad brings up the police and admits he has no alibi, making Ellen consider for the first time that he could be a suspect in Diana’s death.

At home, Cameron paces around his room repeatedly, thinking over his interaction with the police. They questioned him for a long time and looked through his phone. He regrets telling them he got out of his truck, and his lawyer is worried about them knowing that.

Chapter 31 Summary

Joe drives to Quebec to watch a girl who works in a store there. He guesses that she is about 16. He likes to watch the girls, learn their mannerisms, and will often follow them home. He fantasizes about ways to get into their homes, where he would leave his truck, how he would get out, and considers it “all part of the fun” (170).

Brad tries to get Ellen to stay with him, telling her that everything is fine between them now that she knows what is wrong with him. However, she finds it all “overwhelming” and is not sure she believes him. He had spent all afternoon coaching her on what to say to the police, which makes her wonder why he is putting so much effort into things if he has nothing to hide.

Kelly calls Brad, and Ellen insists that he put the phone on speaker. Kelly informs him that another girl has come forward with new allegations, then hangs up.

Chapter 32 Summary

Ellen goes into the bathroom and vomits after hearing the news of another girl. She splashes water on her face. She thinks of what to do now, as she is convinced that Brad is hiding things from her. She leaves the bathroom and ignores Brad’s pleas for her to stay, telling him that she needs time alone.

Evan gets home, and his father is drunk and angry that Evan was gone all day. Evan admits to following Joe, which causes his mother to scold him for doing something so dangerous. Evan writes in his journal about how unhelpful the police were, as the detectives were unavailable, and a uniformed officer simply wrote down their information.

Back at home, Roy attempts to talk to Ellen about what is wrong with her, but she simply says she is fine and goes up to bed. On television, Jennifer Wiley reports that new information has come forward about a teacher being inappropriate with Diana, and Roy and his wife realize that it is likely Brad.

Chapter 33 Summary

Paula sees the report on the television as well. She is relieved that Principal Kelly spoke with the police and that Brad will be investigated properly.

Cameron’s parents watch the news report and are happy that there is potentially another suspect other than their son. Cameron comes out of his room and asks to borrow the truck to get food. They are hesitant to agree—worried that he might talk to his friends about the case—but relent when Cameron points out that he can’t go out during the day because everyone stares at him.

Brad continues to chain smoke in his home as the news report comes on the television. He has the urge to try to explain himself to Ellen, so he leaves to drive to her house. However, when he comes upon the white cross on the road, he is “plainly, horribly” reminded “that Diana is dead” (181). He decides that he needs to give Ellen space and that there is no real evidence against him, and then he turns around.

Riley is at home, angry that the police did nothing about Joe and convinced that he is Diana’s killer. She checks back through her phone at her last message from Diana, then the ones that she has been sending Diana since she died. She writes her a new text about how “empty” the world is and assures Diana that they will find her killer. She is shocked when she gets a text back that reads, “No you won’t” (183).

Chapter 34 Summary

Riley’s mother comes to her room when she hears Riley’s screams of surprise. They call Detective Stone, who comes over and reveals to them that they never found Diana’s phone; he assumes that the killer sent the text.

Monday morning, Principal Kelly lies in bed, not wanting to go to work because of the chaos the news report will create. He decides that he needs to stick with the version of events he told the police—the “much milder version” (187)—because that is what is in Diana’s file, and he is afraid of his wife finding out about his affair.

At breakfast, Roy speaks to his daughter. He tells her that they saw the report and asks her if the teacher is Brad. She admits that it is and that she initially believed him—but now that another survivor has come forward, she isn’t sure.

Chapter 35 Summary

Shelby gets a call that the police would like to speak to her son again, this time about what he was doing last night. She runs up to Cameron’s room and demands to know what he did. However, he insists that he just got food and then drove around.

Brad is suspended from his teaching job while the accusations are investigated, which does not surprise him. He is called down to the police station. Detective Stone informs him that Zoe Simpson told them that he went into the girl’s locker room while she was alone in there and looked at her, half-dressed, making her uncomfortable. Brad vehemently denies it, even though he knows it’s true.

Stone then asks him what he was doing at around 11:00 pm the night before—when the text was sent to Riley. He tells them that he went to see his fiancée but decided against it. Stone is surprised to learn that Ellen is his fiancée, given that Diana’s body was found on her parents’ farm. Stone continues to question him for a long time, asking him over and over what he did to Diana.

Chapter 36 Summary

Diana watches the interview with Brad. She does not think that he killed her, especially since her accusations were never followed up, and she never told anyone else. However, she thinks back to the incident where he went into the locker room while she was showering. When she got out, he was just a few feet away, holding her towel. He told her not to tell anyone, then left. Now she wonders if he was more “dangerous” than she thought.

Edward comes home and angrily goes into Cameron’s room, demanding that Cameron tell him what happened last night. However, Cameron insists that he just drove around and then sat at a place where he and Diana used to go. He reveals that the spot is near Roy’s farm, which makes Edward believe “for the first time” that “it’s actually possible that his son is a murderer” (197).

Edward comes downstairs and tells his wife what he learned from Cameron. She says that she wishes Cameron would be honest so that they could “help” him. Edward asks what she would help him with, and she admits she would have gone with him to destroy evidence, then asks Edward if he would do the same.

Chapter 37 Summary

Riley and Evan skip school to talk with Diana’s mom about the funeral and then walk around the park. Riley asks Evan where he thinks Diana is if she is gone or still around, unable to rest until her murderer is caught. Evan dismisses her, but Riley insists that ghosts are real. She tells him about a time when she, Diana, and their friend Sadie made a Ouija board.

Chapter 38 Summary

Riley tells Evan that they asked the Ouija board if there were any ghosts, and a boy named Simon started spelling on the board. He tells them that he was born in 1861 and died at 12, spelling the word “sick” when they asked how he died. Before they could ask him anything more, the glass started moving wildly about the board, scaring the girls and causing them to stop.

Evan insists that one of them must have been moving the glass. However, Riley knows that none of them did it—that it was moving in a way that none of them could have done. She angrily leaves Evan and walks to the cemetery. The two of them search the older sections for a Simon, born in 1861, but find none.

At work, Ellen ignores Brad’s attempts to contact her. She constantly goes back and forth between believing him and thinking he is a victim, then deciding that the girls would not lie. In her heart, though, she is convinced that Brad did not kill Diana. She finally decides that she can never be certain of Brad’s innocence and, therefore, she can never marry him.

Chapter 39 Summary

On Monday afternoon, Evan types in his journal about his experience with Riley. He is convinced that the Ouija board was not real but can tell that Riley is bothered by the thought of Diana as a ghost, as well as the text from the killer to her phone. When Riley took her home, the two of them searched her entire house and made sure everything was locked.

Paula goes to Kelly’s office to check on him, and he is distraught. He tells her about the new allegations but won’t tell her who the survivor is. He also reveals that when Diana made her allegations against Brad, he suggested she go to the police—but she refused. He admits to mishandling the situation and now partially blames himself for Diana’s death.

As Paula leaves, she thinks of how upset Kelly is and how he is mostly responsible for his current situation. She also notes how, before Kelly told her, the allegations against Brad were nothing serious—but now, he is admitting that he tried to get Diana to go to the police—making Paula wonder what exactly Diana accused Brad of.

Chapter 40 Summary

The police come to search Cameron’s house with a warrant but refuse to tell his family what they are looking for. His dad takes him down to the police station while his mother stays behind.

In the car, Edward asks his son if there is anything he should know about last night, realizing that, like his wife, he would do what he can to protect Cameron. Cameron repeats that he did nothing, and Edward suggests that Cameron not tell them that he went and parked in the field.

During the interview, Cameron lies and tells the police that he went to the graveyard instead of the field. Edward thinks that if Cameron is guilty, the phone could be in the field. He decides that if he can find it or get Cameron to tell him where it is, he will destroy it. Throughout the interview, Cameron insists that he does not have Diana’s phone and did not kill her.

The police come to Brad’s house with a warrant and search for the phone but refuse to tell Brad what they are looking for. After they leave, Brad calls an attorney.

Chapters 23-40 Analysis

In this section of the text, Lapena utilizes the amateur detective trope, a commonly used device in mystery novels wherein a character with no detective background or credentials seeks to solve the mystery due to personal connection. Because of her grief over Diana’s death, Riley convinces Evan to pursue Joe, lying to reporters to get his address and searching his truck, then following him to the Quebec border. However, in an instance of dramatic irony—where the reader knows something that the characters do not—Riley and Evan dangerously take photos of and examine Joe’s truck, even though Lapena reveals that it was not his truck that was at Diana’s house, but Cameron’s. Lapena turns the amateur detective trope on its head, as Riley is not successful in solving Diana’s murder, but rather, she leads the police to discover that Joe is guilty of stalking and ultimately murdering other women.

The shifting third-person point of view continues to explore The Impact of Tragedy on Communities as Lapena examines the effect of Diana’s death on each of the characters. Diana’s mother, Brenda, suffers immense grief over her loss, as Riley and Evan attempt to visit her and comfort her but slowly notice more and more how she struggles to deal with Diana’s death and return to her normal life. As the characters discover that Diana withheld her accusations about Brad from her friends and family, it adds more depth to their grief as it leaves them feeling helpless. Her mother notes that “it adds another layer to her grief—that her daughter didn’t confide in her, and now it’s too late” (139). Because of their small community, Diana did not spread the information about Brad, due to the repercussions she would potentially face, including the fear of not being believed and the damage it would do to Brad; as a result, Brenda and Riley have partially blamed themselves after her death, which interferes with their healing.

In their grief, both Riley and Brenda turn to the supernatural to help them cope, highlighting the recurring motif of ghosts in the novel. Riley becomes convinced that a past experience with a Ouija board is proof that ghosts exist, thereby convincing her that Diana must still be out there. As Brenda grieves, she begins to imagine that she can feel Diana’s presence, causing her to turn to this ghost—real or not—as comfort as she deals with the tragedy of Diana’s death. The supernatural elements in the novel, both those confirmed through Diana’s point-of-view sections and those potentially imagined by Riley and Brenda, symbolize the lasting effects of death on the living. After Diana is gone physically, her memory and her impact on those still alive continues, just as she continues to linger as a ghost.

In addition to affecting Diana’s mother and Riley, Diana’s death also continues to impact Cameron and his family. While he still maintains his innocence, his immaturity causes him to continue to lie to the police and make himself look worse. Not only that, but it forces his parents to make a difficult decision: protect their son or lie to the police to protect him. As they try to get their son to tell them where he was the night before, Shelby and Edward discuss the possibility that he is guilty. Shelby notes that she “wish[es] he’d be honest with [them], then maybe [they] could help him,” to which Edward asks, “You would do that? […] Help him destroy evidence?” and Shelby responds, “Wouldn’t you?” (199). Although the chapter ends, the question causes Edward to think about his relationship with his son and whether he truly would help his son get away with the crime. When faced with this choice later, he tells his son to lie about where he was and then goes to search the field for Diana’s phone to protect Cameron. Faced with the tragedy of Diana’s death and the effect it has on their son’s future, both decide to commit themselves to protecting Cameron at all costs—even if their actions are immoral and potentially endanger themselves. This demonstrates Lapena’s continued thematic exploration of The Consequences of Secrets and Deception.

Similarly, the conflict between Ellen and Brad grows as she begins to question his secrets and his guilt both in Diana’s murder and the allegations of sexual harassment. After the reporter leaves, she initially wants to believe Brad but thinks of how “it appalls her, the thought of what’s ahead of them. How will she face people? This is a small town, and everyone gossips” (166). The fact that these thoughts are part of her initial concerns reflects the importance of the setting, as their small community and its opinion of her looms large over how she handles the allegations against her husband.

However, the consequences of secrets and deception begin to unfold around Brad and Ellen as another survivor comes forward and Brad struggles to explain himself to Ellen. After she thinks about the accusations, she decides that “he will never be able to completely convince her that he didn’t do something to those girls. She knows she can’t marry him if she’s uncertain” (207). Although part of her wants to believe that the girls were lying, she has also seen the way that Brad has thus far lied and tried to make excuses. Ellen’s decision to separate herself from Brad becomes another consequence of his lies.

Entering the last section of the text, Lapena has continued to build suspense surrounding Diana’s death using the limited third-person perspective. There are now three key suspects in Diana’s death: Cameron, Joe, and Brad. Joe and Brad both admit in their point-of-view sections that they get “pleasure” from watching, interacting with, and even touching teenage girls, leaving no ambiguity as to their guilt in sexual harassment and assault and continuing to develop the novel’s exploration The Complexities of Sexual Assault Allegations. However, it is unclear at this point whether that extends to Diana. Similarly, Cameron has lied to the police and was alone when the killer used Diana’s phone, leaving it unclear whether he continues to lie about his involvement in Diana’s murder. Lapena utilizes all three and the unreliability of the narrator to continue to build the mystery around who the real murderer is.