53 pages 1 hour read

John Webster

The White Devil

Fiction | Play | Adult | Published in 1612

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Act VChapter Summaries & Analyses

Act V, Scene 1 Summary

Bracciano and Vittoria have fled to Padua, a city near Venice. A glamorous wedding takes place, in which Bracciano and Vittoria are paraded across the stage, followed by Cornelia, Flaminio, Marcelo, Hortensio, Zanche, and the ambassadors. As the wedding party moves off-stage, Flaminio and Hortensio remain. They talk about a Moor named Mulinassar, a recent arrival at court who has knowledge about “state affairs or rudiments of war” (V.i.8). Flaminio approves of Mulinassar. He also approves of the fact that Mulinassar has promised his help to Bracciano in the imminent war against Francisco. Flaminio explains that Mulinassar is accompanied by a group of Hungarian nobles who plan to retire to a monastery after their recent return from a crusade abroad. (However, the staging of the play makes it clear that Mulinassar is actually Francisco in disguise, and the Hungarians are actually Gasparo, Antonelli, and Lodovico.)

Bracciano enters, accompanied by “Mulinassar” and the “Hungarians.” Bracciano warmly welcomes the group to his court and invites them to celebrate his wedding. When they are alone, the disguised conspirators talk about their “ingenious” plan to murder Bracciano. They exit, leaving Mulinassar (Francisco) behind.

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By John Webster