53 pages 1 hour read

John Webster

The White Devil

Fiction | Play | Adult | Published in 1612

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Act IIChapter Summaries & Analyses

Act II, Scene 1 Summary

Act 2 begins in a villa owned by the Duke of Florence, Francisco de Medici. Francisco is also brother to Isabella, who stands beside him. They are joined by Cardinal Monticelso, a soldier named Marcello, Isabella’s son Giovanni, and Giovanni’s page, Jaques the Moor.

Isabella has recently returned to Rome. Francisco asks whether she has seen Bracciano. When she reveals that she has not, he jokes that Camillo should burn down his house so as to destroy the lecherous people who surround him. Francisco has promised a horse and armor to his nephew, Giovanni, and Giovanni now reminds his uncle of this. Francisco assures Giovanni that he will get his gifts. Marcello announces that Bracciano has returned to Rome, and Isabella desperately asks Francisco to be pleasant to Bracciano. She leaves, then Francisco orders the other characters to follow her, save for Monticelso. Bracciano enters, and at Francisco’s request, Monticelso criticizes Bracciano for his salacious affair when he should be fulfilling his “princely” obligations as a Duke. He also claim s that Bracciano’s immorality casts the entire nobility in a poor light. Francisco joins the criticism, labeling Vittoria a “strumpet” and threatening Bracciano with war if he does not deal with the situation.

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By John Webster