103 pages 3 hours read

Gary D. Schmidt

The Wednesday Wars

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2007

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Chapter 6: "February"Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 6 Summary

As Holling’s family gets ready to go to the formal award ceremony for his father’s Chamber of Commerce Businessman of 1967 award, the freshly plastered ceiling of the perfectly decorated living room collapses. Thankfully, they make it to the ceremony and his father completes his speech “without any hollering and swearing” (132), despite still being red in the face from his anger at the plasterers. Everyone looks at Holling when Holling’s father talks about leaving his business to his son someday, and Holling simply smiles and nods.

On Wednesday, Holling gets his next assignment from Mrs. Baker: Romeo and Juliet. After reading it, Holling decides Romeo and Juliet were quite lacking in common sense. Meryl Lee also reads it, and while they discuss the balcony scene, Holling hears himself ask Meryl to go out with him on Valentine’s Day. At dinner, Holling seeks advice for where to take Meryl with his small savings of $3.78. Holling’s father chuckles a bit when he hears that Holling is taking out Meryl Lee Kowalski, the daughter of Paul Kowalski, his business competitor.

Holling’s predicament about where to take Meryl for Valentine’s is solved when Mrs. Bigio gives him two tickets to see Romeo and Juliet. They both enjoy the play, and go to Woolworth’s afterward for Cokes, where they find common ground talking about their architect fathers and their obsession with winning the architecture bid for the junior high. Meryl shares that her father created a “classical” design (144), while Holling knows from the model his own father showed him that he’s created a modern design. He even draws a prototype for Meryl on a placemat of what his father’s modern design looks like.

The next week, Holling’s father makes him come to the architecture presentation for the school board to “see firsthand how competitive bidding worked” (145). Mr. Kowalski, Meryl’s father, presents first. His design has a classic exterior, but the interior is an exact replica of Holling’s father’s design. Holling feels betrayed by Meryl and refuses to speak to her at school. When Mrs. Baker has him write an essay about Romeo and Juliet, he writes about being wary of trusting others. Meryl is clearly distraught; she tells Holling she didn’t know her father would use the design, and Holling realizes she’s been crying. He rewrites his essay, this time expressing the difficulty of caring about two things: “like caring about the Montague family and caring about Juliet, too” (152). That night, he goes to Meryl’s house with two Cokes and a rose in hand to make things right.

Holling hears from his father a few days later that just before the school board met to decide which architecture firm would get the contract, Kowalski and Associates withdrew their bid. Holling’s father is gleefully shocked, calling his competitors “chumps” (154), and Holling starts to see his father in a new light. He wonders if his father always wanted this life of pursuing money and success, or, “if there was a time when he might have wanted something else” (154). He thinks about himself, and whether he wants something else, or if he wants to take over his father’s business one day like everyone expects him to. Meryl and Holling, their friendship restored, work as partners in every class on Friday, and are with Mrs. Baker when she receives a telegram that says her husband, Lieutenant Baker, is missing in action.

Chapter 6 Analysis

As Holling continues to read Shakespeare for his Wednesdays with Mrs. Baker, Schmidt uses the events and themes of the plays to echo circumstances in Holling’s life. Perhaps the most notable example in this section is the use of Romeo and Juliet’s relationship as a symbol for Holling and Meryl’s. Ironically, Holling’s crush and close friend Meryl is the daughter of his father’s most notable business competitor. Just as the Montagues and Capulets feud as enemies in the play, so too do Mr. Kowalski and Mr. Hoodhood feud as competitors in the architecture market. Furthermore, Holling’s interpretation of Romeo and Juliet changes based on his status with Meryl. At first, when he believes Meryl betrayed him, he sees the book as a warning to be careful who one trusts. However, once he and Meryl make things right, his perspective shifts. He now sees the play as being about the difficulty of caring for two conflicting things: family and Juliet, or in Holling’s case, family and Meryl. Schmidt’s use of Shakespeare to parallel the novel’s events gives the reader insight to the growth Holling experiences, and it shows how literature can help people understand and navigate life experiences.

Schmidt’s characterization of Holling’s father develops significantly in these chapters. Up until now, the reader has seen Holling’s father as a strict yet mostly respectable father figure. Despite his absence at Holling’s play and at the hospital when Holling was injured, he seems to be a hardworking father who wants to provide for his family. However, this section solidifies the reader’s perception of Holling’s father as the novel’s antagonist. He shows his true colors when he calls Kowalski and Associates “chumps” for withdrawing their bid on the junior high, even though it was the fair thing to do. Meryl’s father does the right thing, even though it means losing his business and having to move to look for work. His actions bewilder Holling’s father, who seemingly would never put morals above business success.

Just as the reader’s perception of Holling’s father develops, so does Holling’s. As a part of his coming-of-age journey, Holling starts to wonder about the man his father used to be. He wonders if his father always wanted the lifestyle of a prominent businessman, constantly working and upholding his reputation, or if there was a time when he wanted something else for his life. Holling turns the question inward, asking himself who he wants to become. Holling’s changing perspective of his father highlights the crossroads at which he stands. Now that Holling is growing up, he’s faced with choosing between who his father (and the town) expect him to be, and who he wants to be. Holling’s reading of Shakespeare contributes to these questions he faces as he considers his father as a parallel to Shylock, a man trapped by the expectations of others.