41 pages 1 hour read

Adrienne Young

The Unmaking of June Farrow

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2023

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Chapters 17-23Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 17 Summary

Caleb asks June to come back to the station for a conversation. She notices his last name is Rutherford, meaning he is related to Nathaniel and, therefore, to her.

Chapter 18 Summary

In the station, Caleb questions June. He plays a recording of her speaking. What she says in the recording diverges from what she says in response to his question about whether or not she, Eamon, and Annie left the Midsummer Faire together the night Nathaniel was murdered. Caleb tells her that Mimi Granger, who isn’t usually trusted because of alcohol use, witnessed June running with one shoe, covered in blood, and insinuates that they suspect Eamon of Nathaniel’s murder. Eamon arrives and escorts her home, revealing that Caleb is June’s brother.

Chapter 19 Summary

When they arrive back at the farmhouse, June asks Eamon and Esther for more details. They tell her that Nathaniel had a darkness in him. He thought Susanna was unnatural and demonic, though he couldn’t resist her. When Susanna became pregnant with June, Nathaniel asked Esther to poison her so that she’d lose the baby, and Esther convinced Susanna to go through the door. Susanna returned to Nathaniel before June was born but became concerned that Nathaniel would hurt the baby.

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By Adrienne Young