86 pages 2 hours read

James Howe

The Misfits

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2001

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Character Analysis

Bobby Godspeed

The narrator of the novel, Bobby is a 12-year-old seventh grader at Paintbrush Falls Middle School. He lives with his dad in a trailer and works part time as a tie salesman at a department store. A few years earlier, Bobby’s mom died of cancer.

Bobby’s best friends are Addie, Joe, and Skeezie, who together jokingly refer to themselves as the Gang of Five. Bobby observes that they became friends because “[k]ids who get called the worst names oftentimes find each other” (13). Bobby is heavy for his age and is often bullied because of his weight. Thinking of the various names he’s been called, Bobby observes, “And then there’s me. Pork Chop, Roly-Poly, Fluff” (120). After being called Blubber, Bobby thinks, “It doesn’t matter how many times I’ve been called names, it still hurts—and it still always comes as such a surprise that I never know how to respond” (131). Once Bobby realizes the hurtfulness of name-calling, it inspires him to start the No-Name Party at school, an independent third political party that will run for student council under the mission of ending name-calling.

At the beginning of the novel, Bobby considers himself a quiet kid who tries to stay under the radar and follow the rules. He describes himself as “a get-along kind of guy” (96). However, as the novel progresses, Bobby learns that he can speak up and make a difference. When Bobby comes up with the No-Name Party at school, in an effort to fight back against name-calling, he realizes, “I am about to stop being a get-along kind of guy and turn into somebody who makes a difference” (135). Bobby always considered himself more like his father, someone “who doesn’t want to make waves” (179), but once he starts speaking up and getting involved in the student council elections at school, Bobby observes, “[M]aybe I am more like my mom, not just a dreamer but somebody who can make things happen” (179). Eventually, Bobby gives a speech in front of the whole school during the student council elections assembly, despite his fear of public speaking. Bobby’s speech inspires the students and staff at Paintbrush Falls Middle School to start taking name-calling more seriously. By the end of the novel, Bobby learns he has the power to speak up and make a difference. Eventually, Bobby grows up to become a senator. 

Addie Carle

Addie is Bobby’s best friend and a member of the Gang of Five. Bobby and Addie’s mothers were friends when their children were little. Addie is tall for her age and outspoken about causes she believes in, often becoming a target for bullies “for being so tall, in addition to the factor of her intelligence” (11). At the beginning of the novel, Addie refuses to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance because she believes not everyone in the country experiences liberty and justice. Later, Addie is determined to create her own independent third party for the student council elections because she doesn’t believe that only the students who identify as Republicans or Democrats should be allowed to run.

However, Mr. Kiley accuses Addie of being “a rebel without a cause” (187) because he doesn’t see a clear motive behind her refusal to say the Pledge or her desire to start a new political party. Nevertheless, Bobby defends Addie by saying, “Addie wanted to start a third party because she believes that we have a long way to go in this country until there is real justice and liberty for all” (188). Even though Mr. Kiley might be unable to see Addie’s motives, Bobby knows Addie is simply passionate about what she believes in and wants to speak up and make a difference. Eventually, Addie grows up to become a middle school social studies teacher.

Joe Bunch

Joe Bunch is another member of the Gang of Five. Bobby describes Joe as “the most creative person I know” (11). He enjoys art, dyes colored streaks in his hair, and paints his pinky nail with different colors and images. Joe also attempts to give himself various new names, including Scorpio and Jodan. Midway through the novel, Joe expresses to Bobby and Skeezie that he is gay. Joe’s aunt Pam lives with him, his brother, and his parents, and Joe believes that it is because of Pam that he is able to be himself. Bobby explains, “Joe says the same thing about Pam. He calls her his fairy godmother, because she showed up just at the moment in his life when he needed somebody to let him know that it was okay to be himself” (108). Even though Joe hasn’t officially come out to his parents, he believes they know he is gay and they show their support by allowing him to be himself. At the end of the novel, Joe begins dating Colin. Joe will grow up to become a famous writer.

Skeezie Tookis

Skeezie is another member of the Gang of Five. Bobby describes Skeezie as someone who dresses “like a 1950s young hooligan” (120). Skeezie’s unconventional appearance causes him to be bullied at school. However, even though Skeezie may look like a rebel, he is very supportive of his friends. Bobby and Addie both look to Skeezie as a sounding board for their romantic woes, and he generally gives sound advice on these matters. When Skeezie grows up, he marries a waitress from the Candy Kitchen, and together, they purchase the Candy Kitchen. 

Mr. Kellerman

Mr. Kellerman is Bobby’s supervisor in the tie department at Awkworth & Ames department store. Some of the employees call Mr. Kellerman Killer Man. At the beginning of the novel, Mr. Kellerman gives Bobby a hard time as a new employee. Bobby notes that Mr. Kellerman is a good stylist when it comes to ties and menswear but wonders what kind of life he leads outside of work. Bobby notes, “You have to hand it to the guy, he has style even if he has the personality of a doorstop” (3). Later, Pam observes, “He’s a real grouch, for sure […] but one thing I’ve learned in my twenty-eight years of living, Bobby, is that if somebody’s a grouch, it’s usually because they’re not happy, and if they’re not happy, there’s a reason for it” (45).

Partway through the novel, Mr. Kellerman’s mother dies. As they walk home from work, Bobby learns more about Mr. Kellerman. He lived with his mother and the two were always very close. Mr. Kellerman was married at one point but moved back to Paintbrush Falls after his father died to be closer to his mother. This decision ended his marriage. After sharing his story with Bobby, Mr. Kellerman promises to be nicer to Bobby. Later, Mr. Kellerman reveals that he was also called mean names as a kid. His story reinforces the importance of putting an end to name-calling for Bobby. Even though Bobby strongly dislikes Mr. Kellerman at the beginning of the novel, he develops sympathy for him after learning more about his life.

Mike Godspeed

Mike Godspeed is Bobby’s father. Bobby calls him “Hammer” after one of his father’s favorite detectives. Bobby and his father live in a trailer together. Mike Goodspeed works at a nursery. His wife, Bobby’s mother, passed away from cancer a few years earlier. Bobby notes that his dad is someone who stays out of trouble and avoids taking risks, while his mom was more adventurous. He explains, “My dad was never much of a dreamer. He let my mom do the dreaming for the two of them” (170). With Bobby’s mom’s encouragement, Mike dreamed of one day opening up his own landscaping business, but he struggled to follow through on that dream after her death. Bobby describes his father as “a get-along guy” (178-179). Bobby and his father love and depend on each other very much, and Mike tells Bobby he is very proud of him after his speech for the No-Name Party.


Pam is Joe’s 28-year-old aunt. She grew up in Paintbrush Falls but moved to New York City as a young adult. A few years ago, Pam decided she needed a break from the city and moved in with Joe and his family. Pam works at the makeup counter at the Awkworth & Ames department store. She is an artist who encourages Joe’s creativity. Joe is grateful for Pam, believing she encouraged him to be himself when he really needed that support. She loves the Gang of Five’s plans for the No-Name Party; shy and awkward at their age, she knows what it is like to not fit in. Bobby has a small crush on Pam and thinks she is beautiful.

DuShawn Carter

DuShawn Carter is a popular seventh grader at Paintbrush Falls Middle School. He is one of only three African American students in his grade. Addie approaches DuShawn and asks him to run for president as a part of her independent third party. DuShawn initially says yes but later says no, believing Addie primarily wanted him to run because he is African American. At the end of the novel, DuShawn reveals he likes Addie, and the two begin dating.

Mr. Kiley

Mr. Kiley is the principal at Paintbrush Falls Middle School. At first, Mr. Kiley prohibits the Gang of Five from creating an independent third party to run in the student council elections. He encourages Addie to get involved with one of the existing political parties, explaining, “[T]here is a system in place and it works. Let me encourage you to work within it” (129). Eventually, Bobby convinces Mr. Kiley to let them run as the No-Name Party. After Bobby gives his speech about name-calling, Mr. Kiley acknowledges that name-calling is a big problem at Paintbrush Falls Middle School. He agrees to make No-Name Day an annual event and promises to take the issue of name-calling more seriously.

Ms. Wyman

Ms. Wyman is a math teacher at Paintbrush Falls Middle School and Addie, Bobby, and DuShawn’s homeroom teacher. Ms. Wyman likes to start her classes off with deep breathing. The Gang of Five like Ms. Wyman but acknowledge that she is tough and strict and likes students to follow the rules. Ms. Wyman sends Addie to the principal’s office when Addie refuses to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, and she prohibits the Gang of Five from creating a third political party. However, by the end of the novel, Ms. Wyman tells Addie, “I admire your spirit” (245), showing that she applauds the Gang of Five for standing up for what they believe in. 

Kelsey Scoggins

Kelsey is a new student at Paintbrush Falls Middle School. She is a shy girl and a talented artist. Bobby has a crush on Kelsey. By the end of the novel, Bobby and Kelsey work up the courage to tell each other how they feel and decide to go to the middle school dance together.

Colin Briggs

Colin is a friendly seventh grader at Paintbrush Falls Middle School. Even though Colin is popular, he isn’t a bully like many other popular students. Instead, Colin “acts the same with everybody, so that you end up feeling like an actual person around him” (78). Throughout the novel, Addie has a crush on Colin. At the end of the novel, Colin comes out as gay and says he likes Joe. Colin and Joe begin dating.