117 pages 3 hours read

Alan Gratz

Projekt 1065

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2016

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Answer Key

Chapters 1-25

Reading Check

1. A Nazi; a loyal member of the Hitler Youth (Chapter 1)

2. Mein Kampf (Chapter 3)

3. Ireland became independent from England just before WWII started. (Chapter 5)

4. “German look,” or the moment a person takes to make sure that no one else is listening before they say something against the Nazi party (Chapter 6)

5. “When you fell down, it was over.” (Chapter 11)

6. A camera for reconnaissance photos (Chapter 19)

Short Answer

1. Kristallnacht, or “the night of broken glass” in German, is the night in November 1938 when Germans begin to arrest Jewish people and destroy Jewish-owned businesses in the city. Michael is walking home with his parents to the Irish embassy when they witness the destruction. He is confused and angry with the Germans for not protecting the Jewish community. (Chapter 2)

2. Michael is looking for evidence against the Nazis at the dinner party. After finding what he is looking for, he is almost caught by the butler. Michael’s mother uses chloroform on the butler so both she and Michael may leave unnoticed.