117 pages 3 hours read

Alan Gratz

Projekt 1065

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2016

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Exam Questions

Multiple Choice and Long Answer questions create ideal opportunities for whole-book review, unit exam, or summative assessments.

Multiple Choice

1. Which of the following best describes how Michael feels about supporting his parents’ secret mission?

A) Fearful

B) Proud

C) Apathetic

D) Disenchanted

2. How does Michael feel about not having any friends at school?

A) He is ashamed, because he desperately wants to fit in.

B) He is sad, because he feels lonely and wants to return to Ireland.

C) He does not care, because he has a girlfriend in the neighboring school.

D) He is glad, because he has deliberately chosen not to make any new friends.

3. As Michael begins an exam in his math class, he “attack[s] the test like the French Resistance attacking the occupying Nazi troops, but hoping for better results” (31). Which of the following literary devices does Michael use in this quote?

A) Parallelism anaphora

B) Personification

C) Simile

D) Sarcasm

4. “Then I realized: In Nazi Germany, every weakness was punished. […] Because that’s what Nazi Germany was: the bully who found your most painful wound and poked at it with a stick” (53). Which of the following literary devices does Michael use to characterize Nazi Germany?

A) Irony

B) Personification

C) Simile

D) Alliteration

5. Which of the following words best summarizes how Michael’s parents feel about him helping the British pilot hide?

A) Satisfaction

B) Unease

C) Confusion

D) Rage

6. Simon reveals to Michael that he is afraid of birds.