44 pages • 1 hour read
Vince VawterA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
Victor goes on his paper route and thinks about the birth certificate he found. On Friday, Victor and his father plan to see a movie, but his father arrives late, saying that he was stuck in a meeting at work. On the way home, Victor asks if boys always look like their fathers, and his father drops him off at his paper route. On the route, he sees Big Sack and Ara T. Arriving at Mr. Spiro’s house, Victor pulls out a sheet of questions to talk to him about that he’d prepared. Mr. Spiro explains that many adults don’t treat Victor as human because they’re uncomfortable with themselves. Mr. Spiro invites Victor inside, and Victor goes, despite it being against the newspaper’s regulations. Inside, Victor discovers a room stacked from floor to ceiling with books. Mr. Spiro and Victor converse about literature, philosophy, and reading for a while, until Victor admits that he’s written a poem before. Victor reflects that he usually harms himself to attempt to stop himself from stuttering, but he doesn’t want to do that anymore. Unable to recite it for Mr. Spiro due to his stutter, Victor types it out, and the two of them recite it together. Mr. Spiro gives him the third dollar piece, which reads “seller.”
When Victor gets home, he finds Mam with an injured lip and bruises on her face. In shock, Victor follows her throughout the house, but Mam says, “I just had me an accident” (111). Victor asks whether Ara T. attacked her, but Mam refuses to answer. Victor leaves, thinking that this must be more than an accident. Mam and Victor eat dinner together, and then Victor leaves to go on his Friday collection run. Victor arrives at Mrs. Worthington’s house, and she opens the door looking fully made up and smelling of whiskey. Mrs. Worthington invites Victor inside while she gets the money she owes him. Victor feels uncomfortable within her home, which worsens once Mrs. Worthington gives him lemonade, keeps calling him “sweetie,” and asks a number of personal questions. Eventually, Mrs. Worthington falls asleep on the couch. On his way over to Rat’s house, Victor realizes that Mrs. Worthington never gave him the money for the newspaper subscription. Victor decides to pay for Mrs. Worthington’s subscription with his own money.
The next day, Victor sees Ara. T during his route and realizes that this means that his stash is unguarded. Victor heads over to Ara T.’s stash to see if he can retrieve his stolen knife. Ara T.’s shed is filled with junk, and Victor is unable to find the knife within it. When he tries to leave, he hears Ara T.’s cart rattling toward the shed. Not wanting to be caught, Victor tries to flee but slams into Ara T. on his way out and knocks him over. Victor runs all the way home, but he can’t stop thinking about Ara T. for the rest of the night.
In the morning, Victor comes to the conclusion that he should just buy a new knife. Mam is still recovering from her injuries, and the two of them make breakfast together. During breakfast, Mam asks where Victor’s newspaper bag is, and Victor realizes that he left the bag in the alley by Ara T.’s shed. Victor makes an excuse and leaves to get the bags, but when he gets to the alley, he finds them gone. Victor realizes that he needs to ask Rat’s mother for some new bags, and the thought that Ara T. now has more than one thing of his gets “stuck in [his] mind” (137).
It’s Sunday, so Victor doesn’t need to go on his paper route. Instead, he reads a book on the baseball player Babe Ruth on his back porch, but when he encounters the word “unknown,” he thinks of his discovery of his birth certificate and wonders who his birth father might be. That night, Victor accompanies Mam to her choir practice. On the way over, Victor asks Mam why she has to ride at the back of the bus when she’s alone but is allowed to ride at the front when he’s with her. Mam explains that she follows the rules, but the rules don’t make sense. Victor becomes angry when he thinks about the troubles that Mam has had to face just because of her skin color.
Victor’s parents left extra money for the week, so Victor and Mam go to the zoo together. Mam is allowed to go to the zoo to accompany Victor but isn’t allowed to go on her own due to Jim Crow laws, which Victor thinks is ridiculous. Victor and Mam go to look at the monkeys, and Victor notices that Mam knows all of the other Black women walking around the zoo, taking care of white children, but also that none of them ask about Mam’s injuries. When Mam intervenes to stop a boy from feeding a giraffe paper, the boy calls her a racial slur. Victor apologizes to Mam on behalf of the boy, but Mam tells him that the slur doesn’t mean anything to her. However, Victor can tell that she’s upset. On the way out of the zoo, Victor wants to take a picture of Mam, but she tells him to go on his own since the zoo won’t allow Black caretakers to take pictures with the white children they look after. Victor decides to stand his ground and tells a sob story to the photographer, playing up his stutter. The photographer allows the two of them to take a photo together, and then Victor and Mam head home.
On Thursday afternoon, Victor’s baseball coach calls off practice due to the hot weather. Victor thinks about seeing Mr. Spiro and Mrs. Worthington and worries about Ara T. before he leaves for his paper route. The newspaper truck driver distributes the papers to the kids, and Victor finds that he’s missing a bundle that a bigger, older boy named Willie took. Willie refuses to give the bundle back, and he pushes Victor to the ground before biking away. Victor picks up a rock to throw at Willie, but before he can, Willie hits a curb and falls off his bike. He gets back up and runs off, and Victor puts down the rock, deciding not to throw it after all. Victor then finds a newspaper rack and puts all of his money into it so that he can replace the papers that Willie stole. Victor finishes his route, deciding that he won’t let Willie bully him anymore.
It’s Friday, and today is the final day of Victor’s route before he hands it back to Rat. At the delivery truck, Victor confronts Willie but is surprised when Willie says, “Take it easy, man. Everything’s copacetic” (162). Victor is proud of how he has improved since beginning the paper route, including standing up to Willie and throwing the papers onto front steps accurately. On his collection route that night, Victor asks a boy who he always sees watching TV what he likes to watch. The boy doesn’t respond, and then Victor sees his mother communicating with him in sign language. Victor decides that he and the boy could be friends because they wouldn’t need to speak with each other, and therefore he wouldn’t need to worry about his stutter.
A device frequently used in Paperboy is that of the mystery. There are a number of mysteries in the text: the identity of Victor’s birth father, Mam’s dislike of Ara T., her injury, and Mrs. Worthington’s situation. These mysteries increase the tension of the text and serve to keep the reader engaged and guessing what might happen. However, they also serve a thematic function, reinforcing the text’s perspectives on The Acceleration of the Civil Rights Movement and The Treatment of People With Speech Disorders. Each of these mysteries implies a deep, adult world that Victor doesn’t have access to since the people involved in these mysteries don’t want to share. This positions Victor further as an outsider. When some of the mysteries are solved—for instance, when Mam tells Victor about her history with Ara T.—the answers also reinforce the outsider status of those communities.
Victor’s and Mam’s characterizations are deepened during the chapters at the zoo. Early on, Mam is positioned as a long-suffering woman who doesn’t complain about her unfair treatment. However, despite her reticence to complain, Victor notices that the racism around her does bother her, even if she doesn’t say anything. For instance, when a boy calls Mam a racial slur, Mam pretends to not be bothered, but Victor notices that “Mam watche[s] the boy until he turn[s] the corner at the zebra pen and then she drop[s] her head down and snap[s] her handbag open and shut a few times. She didn’t like being called that word” (146). Mam wants to protect Victor from her pain; however, Victor is empathetic and recognizes it anyway. Mam and Victor’s relationship is built on mutual respect, and Victor, in these scenes, is demonstrating an increased Independence in Childhood, which forms a major portion of his eventual arc.
The middle section of Paperboy continues to demonstrate Victor’s increasing independence. When confronting Willie over taking his newspaper bundle, Victor describes himself saying “it in a loud voice to cut down on [his] chances of stuttering. [He] spread[s] [his] feet a little and [is] ready to take whatever he ha[s] to offer” (162). Earlier on in the narrative, the internal conflict within Victor—between his embarrassment over his stutter and his desire to communicate—created situations in which Victor tried to speak and lost so much air he passed out or in which he didn’t want to speak, overate, and vomited. However, when confronting Willie, Victor’s stutter doesn’t impede him as it used to, and Willie’s reaction—of respect and deference toward Victor’s newfound confidence—demonstrates to Victor the value of confidence and independence.
Two of the adults whom Victor meets on his paper route receive further characterization in this section: Mr. Spiro and Mrs. Worthington. Victor is fascinated with both of them but for different reasons. Mrs. Worthington and Mr. Spiro model different types of lives for Victor. Mr. Spiro lives a life of the mind, surrounded by books and ideas, while Mrs. Worthington lives a life of the body, frequently drinking and having implied affairs. Mr. Spiro and Mrs. Worthington also treat Victor very differently. Mrs. Worthington can’t remember who Victor is, doesn’t pay for her paper, and makes Victor feel uncomfortable, while Mr. Spiro makes Victor feel respected, remembers details about him, and consistently makes sure to pay for his paper. Mrs. Worthington, then, represents the dominant force in society that judges, without thinking, both Black people like Mam and people with speech disorders like Victor. Mr. Spiro, on the other hand, represents a countervailing force, that of compassionate consideration. By the end of the novel, Victor’s relationship with Mr. Spiro is still strong, while his relationship with Mrs. Worthington has ended; Victor has decided, then, that the model Mr. Spiro set for his life is the one he wants to follow.
In the middle portion of the novel, the conflict between Victor and Ara T. deepens. However, that conflict is really between Mam and Ara T. and is about much more than the theft of a yellow-handled knife. This section is the first portion in which the consequences of that conflict become clear, as Mam is attacked. Though she refuses to say who did it, the narrative implies that Ara T. assaulted her due to her confronting him over stealing things from Victor. The yellow-handled knife symbolizes the various levels of power between the people in this conflict. Early in the story, Ara T. holds the power, and he holds the knife. He takes things from Victor and succeeds in keeping them, assaulting Victor’s guardian in the process. However, when the yellow-handled knife changes hands at the end of the narrative, the power shifts toward Mam and Victor’s favor, and they eventually triumph over Ara T.