46 pages 1 hour read

Kirby Larson

Hattie Big Sky

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2006

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Chapters 6-10Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 6 Summary: “February 14, 1918”

Hattie thanks Charlie for teaching her how to pitch as she explains how she drove away the wolves by throwing rocks. Later, the wind is so strong that Hattie uses the rope that Uncle Chester fastened between the barn and the house to guide her back. Hattie hears a sound and realizes that someone is yelling. She sees Plug coming toward the house, followed by Chase and Mattie. Hattie gathers the children and brings them inside. Chase explains that they were walking home from school when they got caught in the storm. They play games together, including a wishing game where Mattie asks Hattie what she wishes for. Hattie says that she wishes that it were spring so that she could plant wheat. Hattie does not tell them that she really wishes for a family so that she can feel that she belongs somewhere. Hattie reads to the children and then falls asleep next to them. Hattie wakes up to Karl calling to her. She tells him that the children are safe inside, and he rushes to hug them. Karl thanks Hattie and takes the children home.

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