46 pages 1 hour read

Kirby Larson

Hattie Big Sky

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2006

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Chapters 11-15Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 11 Summary: “April 5, 1918”

Hattie writes to Uncle Holt, thanking him for submitting her letters to the newspaper. At the dance, she sees Leafie and Perilee. Traft dances with Hattie, and she feels surprised by how attracted she is to him. After dinner, Mr. Saboe begins his pitch about the Liberty Bonds, and everyone lines up to purchase them. Even though it is a monetary sacrifice, Hattie thinks of Charlie as she signs her name. Traft walks up to Mr. Saboe and asks to see the ledger of names, but Mr. Saboe refuses. Traft says that it is his duty as the head of the Council of Defense to see who in the community is not doing their patriotic duty. Traft looks at Karl as he says this, and Karl takes a step toward him. Traft does not back down, and Hattie stands between the two men, asking Traft for another dance to diffuse the situation. Traft leaves the dance, and Hattie takes Fern from Perilee so that she can dance with Karl. When Perilee and Karl enter the dance floor, Hattie notices that several people leave the dance floor to avoid them. Afterward, Hattie goes home, exhausted from the night.

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By Kirby Larson