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Charles DickensA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
The narrative returns to Barnaby and Mary Rudge, who now live on the outskirts of a small village in the country and work to keep what little they have. One day a blind visitor comes by the house and asks for water and for Barnaby to go out and fetch some bread for him.
Once Barnaby is gone, the visitor reveals himself to be Stagg, who has come to get money from Mary for his friend, the stranger. Mary tells Stagg she is just as poor as he, but he reminds her she has wealthy friends and asks her to write to them.
When he returns, Barnaby tells Stagg about how he searches for money for his mother’s sake and asks the man how to obtain it. Stagg tells him he can find gold better in crowds than on his own. Mary takes Stagg outside and gives him six guineas—all that she has saved over five years—and tells him she can get more but needs a week to get it from friends in another part of the country. Stagg agrees to return in exactly seven days, and confirms that his friend has left London for good before leaving Mary. The next morning, Mary and Barnaby leave for London.
Making their way to London, the Rudges come across a country gentleman who believes they are trying to scheme him by faking Barnaby’s intellectual disability. The man is highly impressed by Grip and wants to buy him, but throws them off his property when they refuse. Barnaby has not forgotten about Stagg and what he said about finding wealth in crowds, which Mary is still worrying about when they reach London the morning of June 2nd.
Upon their arrival in London, Mary and Barnaby see thousands of men wearing blue cockades in their hats moving in one direction. Mary asks a nearby man, who tells them that they are part of the Protestant Association going to support Lord George Gordon as he delivers an address at Parliament.
Barnaby, remembering what Stagg said about finding gold in crowds, takes a blue cockade he is offered against his mother’s wishes. Gordon and Gashford appear and ask Barnaby why he is not with the others, but when Mary tries to explain that he has an intellectual disability and knows nothing of the cause, the men assume she is calling Barnaby “mad” for his beliefs. Mary follows behind as the men move toward Parliament, where Hugh recognizes Barnaby. Along with Dennis and Sim, Hugh brings Barnaby into their ranks, which closes out Mary, who is thrown to the ground without being able to see Barnaby again.
The mob heads to Westminster and Hugh convinces Barnaby that it is his simple duty to protect Gordon at all costs. The Protestant Association overtakes Parliament, attacking several members as they enter and filling the halls to wait for Gordon’s message. Gordon tells a group just outside of the doors, including Hugh and Barnaby, that it is not likely that Parliament will hear their petition today but they must force their voices to be heard. The crowd becomes agitated as Gordon becomes less sure of himself, and two military men take Gordon and lead him back inside, threatening him if his men do anything.
Undeterred, Hugh jumps from the balcony onto the lobby of Parliament, with Barnaby dutifully following behind, and several others rush the doors before they hear that the military has been called and they flood back out onto the streets. The Riot Act is read and the horse guard comes to push back the mob and only take the leaders. Hugh and Barnaby are recognized and, as one of the guards charges Barnaby, he takes the flag he has been holding and uses it to knock the horseman off his saddle. Hugh and Barnaby escape down the Thames River toward The Boot.
Many of the rioters make their way to The Boot but many scatter as well; some stay in the streets eager to attack later that night. By the end of the day, Hugh, Dennis, and Barnaby are the only ones left in The Boot when Gashford finds them and tells them their petition has been voted down with 192-6 votes. Though he repeatedly suggests they do nothing, Gashford also mentions that the men in the streets are looking for people to lead them on an attack on a Catholic church, and he later sees the blaze of one and the three men at the forefront walking with torches.
The Vardens wait up until two in the morning for Sim to return home, and when he does he is drunk and resentful of the Vardens. Gabriel wants him to stay and get the first boat out in the morning the next day, even when he learns Sim has been in the riot at Parliament, but Sim refuses. Sim gives a piece of paper ensuring Lord George’s protection to the Vardens and tells them to write “No Popery” on their door every night for the next week. Sim runs from the house to The Boot and Gabriel chases him, but not quickly enough. Upon his return to the house, he tears up Gordon’s paper and refuses to submit to the rioters and their demands.
At The Boot, Dennis, Hugh, and Sim discuss a plan to abduct a woman and attack a Catholic man the following day. Hugh has told Barnaby that Gordon wants him to keep watch over The Boot so he does not hear of their plans, but they invite him out when they pillage and loot a Catholic neighborhood and burn both household and church relics in a large bonfire. Gashford finds Hugh and tells him he is not doing enough, but Hugh reassures him by alluding to their plan for the following night.
Gashford goes to meet several of the riot leaders at The Boot once Hugh and Sim have returned from an expedition. He reminds them of the task he charged the men with after the mob attacked Haredale, and though Barnaby’s attention is drawn by the name of his old friend, Hugh quickly redirects him.
Later, as a mob breaks into different groups and several men head toward the Warren, Gashford sees Sir John in the crowd, adding and removing a blue cockade from his hat when it suits him to do so, as he waits to see flames coming from the Warren.
Old John and his cronies at the Maypole discuss the riots and whether they think Haredale will be attacked, which John believes is unlikely as Haredale is often from home and has left Emma and Dolly alone at the Warren. His friends go to see the riots in London and Old John falls asleep at his bar, only waking up when he hears the sounds of many men and horses.
Hugh comes into the Maypole and informs him that his men will be having a drink at the bar, which they then proceed to destroy along with the rest of the Maypole as John watches on in horror. Though he does as much damage as the others, Hugh protects Old John and makes sure he is not hurt, but ties him up before they head to the Warren rather than hanging him, as Dennis suggests.
While Old John sits in the Maypole, a stranger comes and asks if he is alone and where the rioters went. The stranger takes the food and drink that he can get and is about to leave when they hear the alarm bell of the Warren. Though they can also see the great blaze coming from the house, the bell impacts the stranger particularly, and he hears it even once it has stopped ringing.
At the Warren, the men steal and burn everything they can until the place is in ash and several of their own men are dead, but they are still not sated. Several men look for Hugh for a while but can’t find him, and when he finally appears he tells the men to disperse and head back to London like him, which is unusual as he is always the first to come and the last to go.
On the road to London, the cronies are informed by the severity of the mob and its power over the city. As they enter the city, they see Mr. Haredale riding out toward the Warren after seeing the fire. Solomon heads back with Haredale toward Chigwell. They arrive first at the Maypole, where Old John is nearly catatonic and can tell them little, other than he thought he saw a man he knew to be dead.
Haredale and Solomon go to the Warren to see if there is anyone left living, and Haredale goes up the nearly demolished turret staircase when he sees someone moving up there. Solomon finally sees the man and exclaims that it is the ghost he saw in March, and Haredale tackles him, calling the man “Rudge” and saying he was the one who murdered his brother.
Barnaby and Grip still keep watch at the stable of The Boot, with Barnaby thinking about how proud and rich he will make his mother. Men come to warn him that soldiers are coming, but Barnaby refuses to leave his post, even once the soldiers arrive and circle him with their bayonets. Barnaby beats a few who approach with his flagpole, but he is eventually arrested.
Barnaby listens as two men talk outside his cell about the riots and he speaks up when they mention even a bird has been arrested. One of the men, a young soldier who has lost an arm, listens to Barnaby’s pleas to see Grip but leaves without a word.
Barnaby is brought to Newgate Prison shortly after and the soldiers who guard him are attacked by rioters along the way. Once he makes it to his new cell, he sees that Grip is already inside.
The characters of Barnaby Rudge come from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds, and the idea of wealth and its influence comes to the forefront in these chapters. After relinquishing the annuity settled on them by Haredale, the Rudges are nearly destitute and must work hard to survive. Though by no means wealthy before their move to the country, Barnaby suddenly becomes interested in the idea of obtaining gold in Chapter 48. It is unclear why Barnaby gains this interest, as the narrator speculates as to “[w]hether the idea of wealth had occurred to him for the first time on looking at the golden clouds that evening […] or whether their poor and humble way of life had suggested it, by contrast, long ago” (477).
Barnaby’s interest is nevertheless intense and is what ultimately drives him into the heart of the Gordon Riots, raising the issue of Action Versus Intent. It is clear that he knows what good wealth can do for him and his mother, and he is willing to do almost anything to obtain it, as he sees how the ends can justify the means. Barnaby is not dissuaded by those around him who mistreat others and do whatever they like because of their wealth, such as the country justice who attempts to buy Grip. These chapters also show the influence of money in politics and shows how wealth allows certain people to separate themselves from work that would get their hands dirty but benefit from it all the same, as Sir John Chester does with the riots.
As the riots officially begin, Dickens shows how quickly a mob mentality begins to overrule the principles that brought the rioters together in the first place. Things start to fall off the rails almost immediately after Lord George Gordon presents his argument to Parliament, and even more so once it is swiftly voted down by an overwhelming majority. What was intended to be a peaceful demonstration devolves into a riot as soon as the mob joins forces. Their hatred of others is only bolstered by those around them, creating a confirmation bias in their insular group which leads them to focus not on politics, but on their intolerance toward Catholics. When the principles of the mob become decentralized, it is even easier to convince others that what they are doing is right.
Most importantly, Dickens shows how putting this mob mentality over the principles it was founded on leads others like Barnaby to join and to believe what they are doing is right. When Hugh convinces Barnaby to join, he does not mention religion or politics, but shows Barnaby his conviction that he is fighting for the right things and trying to protect himself from those who would hurt him. In this way, Dickens highlights just how easy it is for someone to be swept into something unknowingly based only on the lies they are fed, laying the groundwork for defending Barnaby’s innocence and, to a certain extent, that of Lord George Gordon.
As the militia unsuccessfully attempts to quell the riots, the absolute power of law and order and who determines it comes into question. Several comparisons between the actual governing bodies of England—such as Parliament and, by extension, the militia—and the rule of the mob are made, particularly when the mob infiltrates Parliament both symbolically and physically. The rioters do not accept the rule of law once Lord George’s propositions are voted down, taking the law into their own hands. Similarly, the note Sim delivers to Gabriel about keeping him safe shows how the new governing body of the mob is taking over and forming new power structures in London, only creating order on their own terms.
In this way, Dickens questions who is really in control of the riot and the anti-Catholic movement altogether. While Lord George, the supposed leader, backs off and is hardly seen during the actual riots, Gashford and Chester, who are supposed to be on his side, are scheming on their own. Most significantly, Barnaby—someone who is not even aware of the true purpose of the riots—becomes its figurehead, a twist which shows just how rapidly and seriously things have spiraled out of control.
By Charles Dickens
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