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Lucy Grealy

Autobiography Of A Face

Nonfiction | Autobiography / Memoir | Adult | Published in 1994

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Prologue-Chapter 3Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Prologue Summary: “Pony Party”

At age 14, and only months after a completing a course of chemotherapy, Lucy Grealy calls a local riding stable and secures a job there working with the horses. After the call, her mother asks, “Are you sure they know you were sick?” (6). Lucy lies and says that she told them everything but admits that really “it hadn’t occurred to me to mention cancer, or my face” because she is still “blissfully unaware” (6) of how her appearance marks her as different.

After being diagnosed with cancer as a child, Lucy has half of her jaw removed to treat the condition, which leaves her face “a strange triangular shape, accentuated by the fact that I was unable to keep my mouth completely closed” (3). When Lucy arrives at the stable, her “pale and misshapen face” (6) shocks the other workers, which in turn surprises Lucy, as she begins to see how people respond to her disfigurement.

Working with children visiting the stable and, especially, taking the horses out to “pony parties,” for children’s birthdays, reinforces Lucy’s awareness of her appearance, teaching her “the language of paranoia” so that she assumes that “every whisper” is “a comment about the way [she looks], every laugh a joke at [her] expense” (6). Despite this, she loves working with the horses and believes that animals are “the only beings capable of understanding” her (5).

The expensive suburban houses where the pony parties take place also reinforce Lucy’s “feelings of being an outsider” (8) by reminding her that her family is not financially well-off, nor especially happy. Her mother is particularly difficult to deal with, and frequently irrationally angry. Lucy navigates the relationship with her mother “in a delicate and prescribed way, though the exact rules of protocol [seem] to shift frequently and without advance notice” (9). Lucy sees the family’s lack of money as central to her mother’s unhappiness, and blames herself and her expensive cancer treatments.

Chapter 1 Summary: “Luck”

Chapter 1 begins several years earlier, with Lucy, a self-confessed “abysmal athlete” (14), colliding with a schoolmate during a game of dodgeball. Sitting stunned on the floor after the accident, Lucy’s jaw throbs with a “deep and untouchable” (16) pain. However, by the time her teacher comes to check on her, “the sharp ache” has receded and soon Lucy has “forgotten the incident entirely” (17).

Lucy is reminded of the collision that evening, when she notices a toothache that is “worsening steadily” (17). She tells her mother “in the guarded tone [used] to admit the loss or destruction of something valuable” (19). Her mother is angry “at the situation, at the bother, at the possible cost” (18-19) but, having “no way to distinguish such subtle gradations” (19), Lucy assumes that her mother is simply angry with her.

Her father attempts to “dissolve the tension of the situation” by saying the Lucy has “a cold in her tooth” (19) and will be fully recovered in the morning. However, the next day, Lucy can barely open her jaw and is taken to her doctor, who suggests that her jaw is probably fractured. Waiting for an x-ray, Lucy’s mother tells her she is brave and, while her twin sister “would have cried horrendously” (21), Lucy “was courageous and didn’t cry and thus was good” (21).

The x-ray reveals what appears to be a dental cyst and “surgery [is] scheduled for the following day” (21). The operation is unpleasant but seemingly successful, although Lucy has to return for occasional x-rays because “a bony knob had appeared on the very tip of my jaw just under my ear shortly after the initial surgery” (24). She is not concerned by this because she is “vain and proud” about being “different from everyone else” and wants “nothing more than to be special” (25), something that “the role of patient” (25) provides.

Six months after the initial surgery, Lucy comes “home from school with the right side of [her] face swollen and hot” (24). She has to have emergency surgery on what is presumed to be a serious infection and is admitted to the hospital. At this stage, Lucy still feels as though she is “on a great adventure, the star of [her] own television special” (26).

Chapter 2 Summary: “Petting Zoo”

In the hospital, a boy hides under his bed and refuses to come out. Lucy is “deeply embarrassed for the boy” (29). She also recognizes that his behavior goes against her deeply held beliefs that “[o]ne [has] to be good. One must never complain or struggle. One must never, under any circumstances, show fear and, prime directive above all, one must never, ever cry” (29-30). These beliefs come from her “first visit to the emergency room,” where she had “been praised as good for being brave” which she took as “a formula for gaining acceptance and, [she] believed, love” (30).

When the doctors ask Lucy’s parents about her history, they confer together and Lucy is surprised to see them “act so normal, like the parents of the friends in [her] neighborhood, like parents [she] had seen on TV” (31). Lucy reveals that it is “generally assumed” that they are “not a normal family,” something they “proudly carr[y] and tr[y] to hide at the same time” (31). As Irish immigrants, “neighbors and schoolmates” mock their “different accents” (35). They are also marked as different by “money problems” (35) and several mental-health issues, including her brother’s schizophrenia and her mother’s depression.

Lucy has to stay in the hospital for around two weeks. Her father visits most days but her mother comes less often because she dislikes driving into town. Lucy has tests everyday but it does not occur to her “to ask what [is] going on, what the tests [are] for, what the results [are]” (42). It is not until several years later, when a family member says that something occurred “before Lucy had cancer” (43), that she realizes that her condition, Ewing’s sarcoma, is a lethal.

Despite this, Lucy feels remarkably well and spends a lot of her time misbehaving with Derek, “a handsome boy with a serious case of asthma” (39) who also has to remain on the ward. On one occasion, they sneak into a part of the hospital where animals for medical experiments are kept. Expecting something like a petting zoo, they are horrified by the terrified, tormented animals. When they leave, a “sad, groping presence accompanie[s] [them] all the way back to the ward” (52).

Chapter 3 Summary: “The Tao of Laugh-In”

Lucy has had three operations so far but her favorite nurse, Mary, tries to explain to her that, “[t]his is a big operation you’ll have tomorrow, you know that, don’t you?” (54). Lucy, “unaware that I hadn’t a clue how sick I was or what was going happen” (54), casually says that she understands. Mary asks, “Do you know you’ll look different afterward?” (54) and again, Lucy unconcernedly brushes the matter aside.

Although the operation removes half of Lucy’s jaw, after the procedure, she “bizarrely” (56) ends up limping. She also learns that she has had a tracheotomy and can only speak by covering the hole in her throat. She does not drink enough water and grows “lazy about speaking” (57), even after they give her a plug for her trachea. She grows “weaker and weaker” (57) and has to be fed through a gastronasal tube.

Lucy’s mother is “the Visitor Extraordinaire” (58) because, after updating Lucy on her condition “as quickly and simply as possible,” she “spend[s] the entire visit knitting” (58). Lucy appreciates that her mother recognizes that “[h]uman presence is the important part of visiting” (58) and does not feel the need to force conversation or constantly fuss over her. Her father, by contrast, is “the worst visitor” (59) because, after telling her a new terrible pun, he is awkwardly unsure of what to do and will often just “sit down and stare at the drip of [Lucy’s] IV” (59).

After the operation, the swelling is so severe that it hides the fact that Lucy has had half of her jaw removed. As a proud tomboy, she has always “dogmatically scorned any attempts to look pretty or girlish” (62), and so is largely unconcerned about how the operation has affected her appearance. Mostly, she simply feels proud of her “new, dramatic scar and [is] eager to show it off” (62).

The mother of Lucy’s friend, Evan, has “died of cancer several years before” (63), and when his father sees Lucy, he looks at her “steadily and sadly for a minute” (63), before asking her about chemotherapy. Lucy naively reports what she has been told, that it is “simply another drug, another injection” that will leave her “a little flushed, no more” (63).

Evan’s father tries to tell her “about chemical changes in [Lucy’s] body, about how [her] hair might be affected” (63) but, as she had with Mary, Lucy deflects this and “refuse[s] to tackle it” (63). She holds to “the simple belief that nothing bad would ever, could ever happen to” her (67). It is only several years later that she reads the mortality rates for Ewing’s sarcoma and learns that a “reasonable chance of survival was given at five percent” (67).

Prologue-Chapter 3 Analysis

While the opening chapters cover Lucy’s diagnosis and initial operations, the Prologue introduces the reader to Lucy several years later, as a 14-year-old girl struggling with her life and society’s responses to her “pale and misshapen face” (6). It introduces some of the key themes of the book, including Lucy’s need for acceptance. Plagued by “feelings of being an outsider” (8), Lucy has little faith or trust in other humans, believing that animals are “the only beings capable of understanding” her (5).

It is this sense of acceptance that Lucy receives from the animals that makes her adore working with horses at a local stable. However, hosting “pony parties” for local children exposes her to their curiosity and callous jokes. This also introduces the cruelty of others, another key theme of the text. Although these children are by no means the cruelest that Lucy will encounter, she still learns “the language of paranoia” (6), becoming convinced that their whispers and laughter are directed at her.

Importantly, prior to this, Lucy is “blissfully unaware” (6) of how unusual she appears and the way people respond to such difference, not even thinking to tell the stable owners about her illness or appearance. The theme of appearance appears in the early chapters, too, again with a focus on Lucy’s lack of awareness of the social significance of looking “normal,” perhaps most noticeably in her lack of concern about her operation and the way she feels proud of her “new, dramatic scar and eager to show it off” (62).

The theme of acceptance also occurs throughout the early chapters, most notably in the way, at this stage of her life, Lucy does not actually want to be accepted as “normal.” Rather, she wants “nothing more than to be special” and is “vain and proud” about being “different from everyone else” (25). This desire is mirrored by her family’s attitudes towards acceptance. It is “generally assumed” that the Grealy family are “not a normal family” (31), and they are sometimes mocked for their Irish accents or excluded because of their money struggles and family members’ mental-health difficulties. However, although they are ashamed of this on some levels, on others, they “proudly carr[y]” (31) their outsider status.

The family includes two of the book’s key characters: Lucy’s father and mother, who are introduced in the early chapters. Her father is caring but somewhat clumsy in his love for his daughter. After her operation, Lucy describes him as her “worst visitor” (59) because he is awkward and uncomfortable, unsure of how to support her or even interact with her in the hospital setting. Lucy’s mother, on the other hand, is “the Visitor Extraordinaire” (58) because she is comfortable in their shared silence, recognizing that “[h]uman presence is the important part of visiting” (58).

Despite this, her mother is also difficult to deal with in some respects. She struggles with depression and is often volatile, something Lucy interprets as anger at her or at their financial difficulties, which she believes to be her fault because of the great expense of her cancer treatment. Perhaps even more than the rest of her family, Lucy has to deal with her mother “in a delicate and prescribed way” (9). Part of this involves suppressing her emotions, another of the book’s key themes.

During her various medical procedures, Lucy learns to mask her fear and pain from her mother because she is “praised as good for being brave” which she understands as “a formula for gaining acceptance and, [she] believed, love” (30). Symbolically, this suppression of emotions is represented by Lucy repressing the urge to cry in response to fear or pain and developing a set of self-imposed rules that “[o]ne [has] to be good. One must never complain or struggle. One must never, under any circumstances, show fear and, prime directive above all, one must never, ever cry” (29-30). Lucy’s efforts to suppress her emotions and not cry in front her mother both recur repeatedly as the book progresses, and Lucy struggles to deal with the emotional and physical pain of her condition.